Thursday, May 9, 2013

BR 5-9-13

I think they need to understand that the movie is just based on the spreading of Oxycontin epidemic and that they used that town, because it is an unlikely spot for distribution of drugs. He uses a small, residential town, because we never expect these things to happen in places like Appalachia and it makes a larger impact when it's not set in a large urban city, like many movies that have been based in places like New York.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BR 5-7-13

I think that it is impossible to really say who was right in this situation unless I know what was actually said, however, as a student who hadn't even attended the speech, she should have kept her mouth shut about what the speaker said. Also, I think she was trying to look for reasons to sue the principal, because she was offended by his comment. You cannot sue everyone just because you disagree with what they did. Also, I think you need to understand the context and not just assume somebody was threatening you, just because you are bad at English.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Civics Assignment Top Events

1.)  9/11 hijacking by Al Quaeda affected my life along with many others greatly when I , at such a young age, had to have the words "terroristic attack" explained to me. My school (Milanesi) did not explain the events of that day until after we had gone home and talked to our parents. The event that occured was so close to home (in New Jersey) that they didn't want to frighten us or tell us something our parents didn't want us to know. I remember how big of an impact that made on our country and the impact it still leaves in our airports and stereotypes still today.

2.)  Hurricane Isabel was a very significant time in my life, because it was the first natural disaster that I can possibly remember. I remember they were so scared, because we lived right near the shore and my 3rd grade teacher had to explain how dangerous it was while also giving us a science lesson. We discussed how it could effect us and possibly the school, and how a class 5 hurricane seemed to be so terrible, but it barely hit South Jersey.

3.)  Patriots Won  the SuperBowl: Although this isn't an actual historic event, I remember 2004 was the first superbowl I had ever watched and I was rooting for the Eagles (that was probably my first mistake). Because Philadelphia was the closest team to South Jersey, I had been partial to them, even though I never understood the game. I was in 3rd grade, I believe... or fourth... and we had a superbowl party with wings and pizza and I remember the excitement and all the yelling. This was quite an influential point in my life, because I also learned how to make green cake.

4.)  Presidential Election in 2004: A lot of significant events of my life occured in 2004, but this one was one of the reasons I became so interested in learning about our presidents although it is quite hard to keep up. In my class we held a fake election and our teacher taught us about the electoral college and all the decisions put into deciding a president. I also remember learning how important it was to choose a good, competent leader to be the face of our Nation.

5.) Sago Mine Disaster in 2006: I remember moving here in August of 2006 and hearing about the coal mining disaster just about 45 minutes away from where I had moved in just about 8 months before. I didn't quite understand the impact it had on the schools and the people until I had realized how many people lost their parents and family members in that mine. This disaster helped me grasp what coal mining was and how dangerous it could be. I never appreciated the hard work of the blue collar workers until I moved to West Virginia.


BR 5-6-13

The boy should be buried in his own country, because he obviously didn't care about this country enough to NOT bomb it! I think it is the groundskeepers choice, because it is technically "private" land and they have the right to refuse him. If he wants to blow up our grounds, he sure as heck shouldn't be buried under it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

BR and Assignment 5-2-13

Yes I believe they should be charged with "obstruction of justice, because they destroyed evidence that could be used in a police matter."

That quote fits nicely, because I believe that many could prevent serious events like this by just letting an official know what may or may not happen... even if they don't truly believe it. I don't believe that the friends could have prevented this, because conversations can happen with any of my friends that don't seem suspicious at first. However, I feel like throwing out evidence was definitely obstruction of justice.

I am not sure they could have prevented these events, especially if they didn't think he was being serious.

I completely believe inaction is a crime!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BR 4-29-13

I read about this over the weekend and that's nuts! It honestly surprises me that a white and black never attended the dance together as a date. I think its dumb to even raise the money for two proms, because that's extremely expensive in the first place. In the 21st century you would think we wouldve had an integrated prom in GA.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BR 4-25-13

I think its ridiculous that they think strapless dresses are distracting to young boys; its the halter dresses that push up their boobs is the problem. Also, it's not like the boys are doing school work during the dance, so they're allowed to be distracted. Dresses are made to make women look beautiful and feel beautiful; it's seriously not a big deal to have your shoulders out, and its extremely hard to find dresses with straps that are cute. If the little boys can't concentrate, because women are wearing their shoulders out are going to have a serious problem.