Thursday, March 28, 2013

BR 3-28-13

I think Italy needs to reform their government system and learn that they cannot convict a person without evidence against them. They are re-trying them to save-face, because the families of the victim are probably crying out for justice. Italy needs to re-think their convictions when over 50 percent of their convictions are repealed.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

BR 3-27-13

The Government cannot deny people who are already married! The point of them being granted marriage is to be able to reap benefits. It's not fair that significant others are stuck with the cost of funerals and viewings because they can't receive the benefits from insurance policies. The reason they've fought so hard to get married is to be able to receive the same benefits as heterosexual couples. I think this is wrong and discriminatory.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

BR 3-13-13

In 2005 Senator Byrd created a law that required all government funded institutions to educate their students on September 17th about the constitution. He felt it was very important to know the history of the document and how it came about. I agree that knowing the constitution is very important and especially knowing the bill of rights.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Would I like to be a juror?

I believe I would like to be on jury duty for a murder case or other exciting case, but to be paid 15 dollars a day for a basic civil case, I would prefer to decline. I would love a career as a supreme court justice, because I think upholding our constitutional rights is a very important part of the our society. Over the years we have allowed our constitutional rights to be impeded on, and I would like to be part of a society that stands up for the rights we fought for.

Civics Assignment- Jurors' Duties

The role of a juror consists of reading evidence, listening to a case, using good judgment in cases with witnesses, and detemining if the plantiff provided enough information to deem a defendent, guilty or not guilty. They must discuss the case and evidence with the other jurors and come to a unanimous verdict. In the United States there are many types of courts that split into sub-categories between state and federal. State courts split into 3 courts: Trial, Intermediate Appellate, and The Highest State Court. Trial further splits into general which can oversee cases of civil or criminal and limited which oversees cases such as probate, family, traffic, juvenile, smal claims, and municipal cases. The Intermediate Appellate determines if the trial cases follwed the laws set in each state. The Highest State Court is the final revenue for appeals.

Federal courts are split into 9 separate types of courts, 94 districts, and 12 regional circuit courts. Federal oversees court cases dealing with diversity of citizenship and Federal questions which are cases between states, cases that include high ranking public figures, bankruptcy and many other types of cases.

In the US, there are three different types of juries; criminal grand juries, criminal petit juries, and civil grand juries. A criminal grand jury is used in replacement of a preliminary hearing for the prosecution. They decide for 15 dollars a day and gas mileage and determine if a person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Civil Grand Juries are responsible for investigating complaints in the county and act as a "civil watchdog" for the county and auditing records and books kept by county offices. Petit juries, also called trial juries, are present in civil and criminal cases represented by the local courts.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BR 3-11-13

I cant bring a tube of toothpaste, but I can take a pocketknife on the plane, that's just a little bigger than the box cutter they took down the 9/11 planes with. I really would like to speak with the person who thought this was a good idea. A pocket knife may not be able to take down a plane, but it sure can take out a few people to get to the cockpit!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Civics Assignment 3-7-13

1.) I think a filibuster is the most pointless speaking in the Senate chamber, because the only reason for it, is to make people forget about what is most likely, an important vote. Being able to speak that long should not be allowed, and there is absolutely no speech that has taken place in history that has taken over 3 hours to completely get someone's point across. Honestly, if someone held me in a speech without a bathroom I would walk out if it had no point.

2.) Filibuster- An action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required

Cloture- (in a legislative assembly) A procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote.

3.)      A filibuster originated to take media and minds off of a problem at hand. It is basically a really long speech given at the Senate chamber to prolong a voting for an issue at hand. A filibuster usually works to prolong a vote, but for this past one it was to 

-Did you know the first longest filibuster was 24 hours 18 minutes long?

-Did you know the shortest filibuster was less than an hour and a half? 

-Did you know there is more than 1 way to overthrow a filibuster?

-Did you know filibusters exist outside of the US?

-Did you know the cloture was adopted in 1917?

-Did you know the "Gang of 14" 7 democrats and 7 republicans voted in 2005 to only allow 5 filibusters against judicial nominations in extreme cirsumstances?


BR 3-7-13

Rand Paul spoke a little less than 12 hours to filibuster a vote about drones in the US and on US territory. I think a filibuster is pointless and only takes minds off of an important issue at hand. I think if a speech must take place, then it must have a point and should be no more than 4 hours. No speech in history that ever made a difference was over 3 hours. Also, if someone kept me in a room for that long without me being able to use the bathroom, I would probably pee myself.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

BR 3-5-13

I think if they keep threatening us we need to just bomb them or something. I am unclear of what this article was about, but it doesn't sound safe to us. Also, I don't understand why we can't come to a conclusion and reach a peaceful agreement. Then again, it is North Korea...

Monday, March 4, 2013

BR 3-4-13

1) Tax bills for rich families approach 30-year high - The article talks about the increase in taxing of upper financial class Americans. The top 1% of households which make around 1.4 million dollars a year are going to be subjected to the highest tax rates in 30 years. Is this right? I understand what the liberals are trying to do, they're trying to take the pressure of federal taxing off of middle-class Americans by applying more to the upper level income families. So I ask you again, is this right? No. Those people are wealthy for a reason. They didn't steal all that money, it had to be earned. Why should they be subjected to paying more taxes than anyone else? The average family makes about $46,000 and have an income tax of about 14%. If you take 14% of 1.4 million, you still end up with much more money than you would if you took it from the $46,000. The wealthy already pay more in taxes than anyone else, so why should that be increased? Long-term, this plan will do more damage than good.

2) Corporate America gears up for tax-reform debate - Tax-reform is coming, but like most things in our country it will take time. With neither side working in a bipartisan manor, it is unlikely to see any change in the following few months. Taxes have been raised to almost all-time high and without tax-reform, it is unlikely to change. Money is trying to be freed up everywhere you look, and hopefully and cap can be found by Congress, and all the budget cuts passed down from the Senate and House will not be in vain. Maybe the money will be freed up enough to put a dent in the national debt, or maybe the plan backfires and leaves millions unemployed and leaves our economy in an even more terrible state.

Our Society Has Become Too Tolerant....

        Our society has become too tolerant of the lack of respect for marriages. I do not believe that marriages used to be perfect, nor do I believe they ever will be. Marriage used to be "'till death do us part" and over the years it has become "'til someone better comes along." I am not preaching that all marriages used to be perfect, but it has become easier to cheat and get a divorce. Families are becoming more broken up and cheating is becoming more and more acceptable in long and short term marriages.
       There are sites available to married men and women to meet up and have affairs with no reprecussions and the site creator believes it to be beneficial to a marriage. Cheating after commiting yourself to one another used to be frowned upon and marriage used to be held in high standards. Lately, the meaning of marriage is blurred and open marriages are becoming more popular. Many people will specifically hunt for married men and women because they feel like it is a challenge or they have a vendetta against their own unfaithful relationship.
       It is normal to feel remorse if you have wronged a loved one, but it seems that since our family values have decreased, so has our respect for others and ourself. Media has changed so rapdily over the years to desensitize us to unfaithful relationships that we have accepted it to be an inevitable part of life. It used to be dirty, immoral or unattractive to cheat in a marriage and the media shielded us from even getting these ideas. For example, in the 60's, when The Beetles premiered on TV, they had a caption under one that said "Sorry ladies, he's married." Now we have songs playing on the radio that state they're "single for the night," meaning he is married but she is not around.
      Cheating has become more prominent, because we believe it is not our responsibility to keep others faithful, when in reality it is our duty and it should be on our conscience. I have heard more than once a female say "that's not my problem" or "that's not my responsibilty," but as we allow it as a nation and we become cocky, marriages are crashing and families are breaking apart. Divorces due to infidelity are constantly increasing and children are being raised by single parents.
      Homes are broken and marriages are less respected by males and females across the United States. Infidelity in a home not only teaches the children to lessen their values, but it can ruin other families especially if the participating party is also married. Cheating can be detrimental to not only a marriage, but to the sanctity of marriage as it develops over the years. We should remember our vows and commitments and follow through with them each day of our lives and learn the benefits of saying no to save a marriage. Or even saying no to save your own marriage. Our society has become too tolerant of lack of respect for marriage and we should be reminded of our sins.

BR 3-1-13

I think it is a little scary to trust the North Korean leader after his threat and I believe it was nice to see him letting his guard down. We should always stay on guard though, because people generally do not have change of heart and I do not expect him to be different. I do not have much more of an opinion on this situation and I hope Basketball games bring us closer to NK.