Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BR 4-29-13

I read about this over the weekend and that's nuts! It honestly surprises me that a white and black never attended the dance together as a date. I think its dumb to even raise the money for two proms, because that's extremely expensive in the first place. In the 21st century you would think we wouldve had an integrated prom in GA.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BR 4-25-13

I think its ridiculous that they think strapless dresses are distracting to young boys; its the halter dresses that push up their boobs is the problem. Also, it's not like the boys are doing school work during the dance, so they're allowed to be distracted. Dresses are made to make women look beautiful and feel beautiful; it's seriously not a big deal to have your shoulders out, and its extremely hard to find dresses with straps that are cute. If the little boys can't concentrate, because women are wearing their shoulders out are going to have a serious problem.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Civics Assignment 4-17-13

1. The consequences are harsh for people who commit acts of terrorism, and can result in life in jail, death penalty and high security prisons. I believe the difference between a citizen and a non-citizen committing these acts are that a non-citizen is not required or promised due-process. Which means the penalty comes much quicker and can be much harsher. However, there are still rights reserved to those without citizen-ship and we cannot commit any cruel or unusual acts upon them.

2.  http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/16/17776320-adorable-boy-8-mourned-after-boston-marathon-blasts?lite




Information that coordinates:

The dates, times, places, and amount of people running in the race all coordinates. In addition to this information, all the sites state that it was Boston's 117th marathon; which is the oldest and most prestigious race.

Information that is different:

In all four sites, it does not coordinate the amount of deaths; some say that more than three died, some say that 2 died and some say that exactly three died. Some of the sites state more than 100 people were injured, however a couple of sites stated that less than 100 and more than 130 people have been injured. Also, different people are being blamed for this tragedy on all the sights. A few mentioned the guy on the roof and others talk about someone putting the pressure cookers in the trash cans.

BR 4-18-13

1. I think its extremely dumb to make it that available to people, however I don't think it should be illegal.

2. I will never give my zip code again. Even though I doubt they care that much about me to do that research, I feel like it is an invasion of privacy.

3. I don't feel like we should make decisions after tragedies and in spite of those tragedies, but out of facts and that is not what is happening in Manchin-Toomey's bill. These decisions are not being developed from fact but from feelings and that is the reason they are (literally) being shot down by the Senate. Manchin is going to have a hard time fighting for his spot when we vote for our next Senator.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

BR 4-16-13

I think it is going to be hard to defend our country from others when we are blowing ourselves up. Also, even though I have no idea if this kid really did do it, I think we shouldn't racially profile. He may just be here for schooling! We searched his apartment, because we saw him running away from the explosion like a normal person. I think the person who was carrying two bookbags should have been checked.

Monday, April 15, 2013

BR 4-15-13

That is absolutely ridiculous! If it is passed that one is not allowed to BEAR arms outside of the home to protect oneself then we might as well right a sign on all the young women stating "rape me, I have nothing of which to protect myself" and telling all muggers that they can steal my grandmothers' purse. I would love for one official to make a decent statement about why it is wrong to be able to protect yourself, and then I will finish my rant about how DUMB gun control is. Let's bring D.C into this argument- not allowed to carry a weapon at all- highest gun violence rate. Let's think about how effective that legislation was.. oh that's right, It WASN'T!

Friday, April 12, 2013

BR 4-12-13

All this says is that a man bought a gun before he was cleared in the system and that was illegal. This is why harder background checks are not going to make a differnce while purchasing a gun.

Political Cartoons

1. This specific political cartoon is about how Margaret Thatcher was a very assertive leader and it seemed like she had plans to destroy the whole Soviet Union. She lead them against communism and was a very successful woman, however she was known as the Iron Lady, because she was strong. She was also disliked by many because of her creation of the decline of British Industry. i would grade this as a c, because its point was effective, but it was not as creative as it could have been.

2. This image is supposed to represent that the  next prime minister had very large shoes to fill after such an assertive and well-known woman who lead the country out of many problems. She changed their whole idea of a union and the next leader may not have been able to accomplish as much. I would grade this as a b, because it used a great symbol for the idea that she had very large shoes to fill.

3. This political cartoon is about how neither party can usually agree on something, but both parties agree that Obama's budget plan is irresponsible and they vote no. It shows Obama's disappointment and aggravation and he is trying to realize the good in both parties voting together. I love this cartoon and I believe it should receive an a, because it represents how we can never agree in the parties, but both agree that Obama's plan is a bad idea.

4. This image shows a man telling about his blues for our country. It's overly-exaggerated and shows how many problems we actually have in this country. It mentions about the white house having its celebrity party and then complaining about not having money and about how 1 in 6 Americans live in poverty. I think this represents a lot of problems in our country, and I would give this cartoon a b, because it is very accurate and the drawing is creative.

5. This image shows how Obama has been overly sensitive about the guns he has listed on the gun ban list. It shows that water guns could be used as assault weapons, and how ridiculous it is to think we can prevent violence just by changing the guns allowed in the United States.For this idea I would grade it as an a, because it shows Obama and both parties showing their discontent with the budget and the fact it twisted in the banned guns.   

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Distracted Driving Bill

Distracted Driving


As of now, each state has different laws for distracted driving, especially differing in age groups allowed to participate in this. Most states have leaned towards allowing adults over the age of 25 (twenty-five) to talk on their cell phone and in most states, texting has been illegal completely. Studies have shown that most distracted driving accidents occur while using a cellular device. Driving while using a cell phone reduced brain activity associated with driving by 37%. With this bill, a law shall be created in order to limit the usage of cell phones while driving. This is not a problem sectioned off solely for young adults, but 60% of adults over 40 have admitted to texting while driving, and 98% of these adults have admitted they know it is unsafe. A national law should be passed that prevents texting completely during driving, not just for young adults. While drivers under the age of 20 hold the highest percentage of crashes due to texting and driving, a very large number develops from adults over 20. The law for the nation should prohibit all ages of all drivers from texting while driving, and should prohibit complete use of cell phones without a headset to keep both hands available for safe, defensive driving.

Monday, April 8, 2013

BR 4-8-13

It bothers me when I get all these speeches and assemblies talking about teens texting and talking on the phone while driving and more adults contribute to distracted driving than anyone. I have seen more 40 year old women on their cell phone cut me off on traffic than I have ever seen a teenager drive poorly on his cell phone. The truth is, my generation is more accustomed to technology and multi-tasking and I shouldn't be the one being badgered about my cell phone when I don't even TALK while driving. let alone text! My mother who runs over curbs when she's eating a burrito should be scolded when she's calling someone, not me.