Friday, August 31, 2012

Similarities and Differences

             James Madison                      same                                          Elbridge Gerry         

            young/unmarried                              Men                                              Vice President
            Virginia Plan                                Federalists                                      From Massachusettes
           From Virginia                             Lots of Siblings                                 Old/Married
         Died June 28, 1836                    Signed Constitution                         Died November 23, 1814
                                                            Spoke at Convention

BR 8-31-12

I think it sucks that many people cannot afford the photo I.D.s, but I think the government has the right to know who is voting... How would you be able to tell who is voting if they didnt have I.D.? that's like having a written piece of paper stating that you could drive.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

BR 8-30-12

I expected there to be more hurricanes in New Orleans. They live in a bowl! Why is everyone so surprised and in panicking about this?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

BR 8-29-12

This is ridiculous! Of course its a crime! If you fake your own death, you live free of taxes, you could commit crimes and nobody would think it was you, and you're basically just existing for free! That's like saying its not illegal to come here from a different country and NOT become a citizen. smh...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Silent Debate 8-28-12

Who are you? How old were you in 1787?
-My name is James Madison. In 1787 I was 36 years old.

Are you a Federalist or Anti-Federalist?
I am a federalist; I support a central power.

What is your personal history up to 1787?
Born in 1751, I grew up as the oldest of 12 siblings in a Virginia home with a father who owned a plantation with dozens of slaves. I attended what is now known as Princeton University, and graduated in 1771. December of 1774, I was elected to the Orange County Commitee of Safety and then selected to represent Orange County in the Virginia Convention. In 1777, I lost my bid for a seat in the Virginia Assembly, but was later appointed to the Governor's Council. I strongly supported the American-French alliance during the revolution, and solely handled much of the council's correspondence with France. In 1780, I went to Philadelphia to serve as one of Virginia's delegates to Continental Congress.

What was your role in the Constitutional Convention?
I represented Virginia in the convention, and spoke on behalf of the Virginia Plan that consisted of three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. I spoke over 200 times at the constitution. I had to talk George Washington into attending the Covention.

What stated views would explain your actions during the Constitutional Convention? (use quotations & cite sources)
Because I developed the Virginia Plan, I supported the Constitution greatly and created ideas to make others vote for the Constitution as well.

What is your stance during the ratifying conventions? Who supports your viewpoint?
I helped write the federalist paper to encourage states to vote for the constitution. In the ratifying conventions, I helped establish the bill of rights to come to a better agreement on the constitution of the 13 colonies. Only a few states supported the constitution until it was modified.

What are your views of this new plan of government? What are the benefits or dangers?
I think if we split the power among 3 branches it will keep the country from becoming a dictatorship rather than democracy. The benefits of the constitution is it protects our rights as citizens.

BR 8-28-12

I think once you commit an act of "traitorism" against the United States of America, you should lose your rights as an American citizen. He's lucky he even gets a bed to sleep in, a TV to watch, and wash their clothes-- FOR FREE! It doesn't prevent prayer, it prevents group prayers frequently in the jail, because it allows too much contact between prisoners. I wouldn't want to gather a group of people who aided al Qaeda together!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Notes 8-27-12

Constitution was signed Sept. 1787 & active 1789

Federalists supported the constitution with more power to the central government: James Madison, Rufus King, James Wilson, John Jay, George Read, Roger Sherman, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, etc.

Anti-federalists wanted more power to the states rather than central government: Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Elbridge Gerry, George Mason, George Clinton, Samuel Adams, Robert Yates, Melancton Smith, etc.

The Federalist Papers written by 3 men, to get support for the constitution.
Constitution states that 9 states must ratify the constitution in order for it to become a government document.
Delaware was the 1st state; 9th state: New Hampshire; 13th state: Rhode Island

BR 8-27-12

I think it's ridiculous that a religion requires you to always wear skirts, considering there are many activities and classes that require you to wear material that you can move around in (phys. ed., etc.). This is the 21st century; come on, however, because McShan had previously informed them of her beliefs, and the skirt would not hinder her working, she had every right to sue. Burger King should've kept their information straight.

Friday, August 24, 2012

BR 8-24-12

Twitter can be very fatal for a candidates voters. There have been fake accounts made to sabotage elections, and have been retweeted many times to the point people actually believe them...That's really all I got from that article?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

assignment 8-23

1. Define the Constitution… your own words in a PARAGRAPH (3-5 sentences)
The constitution was a document that separated power equally, and gave us our rights as a country. The constitution was written to establish a fair government. This idea, however, is slowly being taken away by new congressmen and law enforcement.

2. How would your life be without the constitution ?
      My life would be miserable, and we would basically be under dictatorship. Our lives would be censored and only allowed to know what the government allowed us to know. We would all live in oppression.

3. Define the following words:


a group inside a larger group

the distribution of power in an organization (as a government) between a central authority and the constituent units

Federalist/ Antifederalist
a member of a major political party in the early years of the United States favoring a strong centralized national government ; anti: someone who is against strong centralized governments

settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions

The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
 The Connecticut Compromise split the representatives into 2 groups: Senate and House of Reps; It would send two reps for each state (no matter the population) and 1 senator for every 30,000 residents of the state.

Checks and Balances
3 branches of government; legislative executive and judicial that keeps one branch from becoming too powerful.

Democratic Republic
Where the people elect officials to represent their state. 

Delegated Powers of the Federal Government

Reserved Powers of the State Governments

Separation of Powers

Civil Liberties

Citizenship Test

I failed the test; I cannot be an American citizen... I got a 5/10    

BR 8-23-12

Paul Ryan waved the "terrible towel"... who cares? Your choice of football team should not affect your vote, and if it does, then you're not mature enough to fill out a ballot. I dont understand why Wisconsin made such a big deal; They WON the superbowl against Steelers two years ago.

BR 8-22-12

It's getting very close to election, and it seems like the debate gets more personal as November nears. In the end, I'm pretty sure Obama's going to win, honestly.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

About Me

  1. I have three dogs and like 15 chickens
  2. I live with both my parents
  3. I was born in New Jersey