Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Silent Debate 8-28-12

Who are you? How old were you in 1787?
-My name is James Madison. In 1787 I was 36 years old.

Are you a Federalist or Anti-Federalist?
I am a federalist; I support a central power.

What is your personal history up to 1787?
Born in 1751, I grew up as the oldest of 12 siblings in a Virginia home with a father who owned a plantation with dozens of slaves. I attended what is now known as Princeton University, and graduated in 1771. December of 1774, I was elected to the Orange County Commitee of Safety and then selected to represent Orange County in the Virginia Convention. In 1777, I lost my bid for a seat in the Virginia Assembly, but was later appointed to the Governor's Council. I strongly supported the American-French alliance during the revolution, and solely handled much of the council's correspondence with France. In 1780, I went to Philadelphia to serve as one of Virginia's delegates to Continental Congress.

What was your role in the Constitutional Convention?
I represented Virginia in the convention, and spoke on behalf of the Virginia Plan that consisted of three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. I spoke over 200 times at the constitution. I had to talk George Washington into attending the Covention.

What stated views would explain your actions during the Constitutional Convention? (use quotations & cite sources)
Because I developed the Virginia Plan, I supported the Constitution greatly and created ideas to make others vote for the Constitution as well.

What is your stance during the ratifying conventions? Who supports your viewpoint?
I helped write the federalist paper to encourage states to vote for the constitution. In the ratifying conventions, I helped establish the bill of rights to come to a better agreement on the constitution of the 13 colonies. Only a few states supported the constitution until it was modified.

What are your views of this new plan of government? What are the benefits or dangers?
I think if we split the power among 3 branches it will keep the country from becoming a dictatorship rather than democracy. The benefits of the constitution is it protects our rights as citizens.

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