Thursday, November 29, 2012

BR 11-29-12

I think he would like to meet with mitt romney because he would like to get ideas on how to reach across the republican border and balanacing budgets. We all understand that we are seeing the decrease of economy, but maybe if they work together they can find a balance and the country will be amazing again. :D!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

BR 11-28-12

The article was talking about how high the sales of the powerball and lottery are and the high price of the winning. 500 million dollars!! In the article it told about what some families would do with the money if they had won and many of them said noble things and some had absolutely no idea.

If I had a half a billion dollars I would definitely give the money for the bond and levy, because I was severely disappointed when it didn't pass and I would keep money so I could pay off my college so I can continue to make money to support my family and give them the opportunity to travel. I honestly would do everything I could to make sure the money would be continually produced by my investments with my money. (No not the stock market). I know my community would be well taken care of and I would open a youth center to help support children and give them a safe environment they can have fun in. (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BR 11-27-12

I think the economy being low definitely effects charity, but regardless, everyone has a dollar to give even if you are "dirt poor". And if you dont have money you have time to give and serve. Your person is as imporant as your wallet.

BR 11-26-12

I think its awful that someone would leave a baby abandoned in a box, but I think its a good way to keep females from either killing them or abusing them because they didn't want them. On the other hand, i feel like it encourages women to leave a baby because before the only option was keep, give up for adoption or kill it. Now that you can give your baby away with no reprocussions it seems that the choice is a lot easier to just give it away with no slate.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

BR 11-15-12

I'm so worried about the future of our country, because our money level has become so low. We're so far in debt that if we do this now, we'll have no turning back. Our future is at stake and the recession is quickly coming. I think we need to tear up the plans and create new, cooperative taxes and funding.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

BR 11-14-12

I know they say the country is not divided but I think it's more divided now than its ever been with race. When over 92% percent of blacks vote for Obama, then there's something wrong.

I think she should only be arrested at the discretion of her husband. It's not like she killed him or really injured him. He's fine. People get hit by cars everyday! Why freak out? Shes pregnant and hormonal!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BR 11-13-12

I think it's important to be prepared in a sense like we should always know how to make our own food and grow our own crops and be inventive, but storing 600 lbs of anything is crazy! These people really want to live if everyone else dies? really? I don't want to be alive if nobody else is. These people are absolutely bonkers!