Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BR 12-18-12

I am not educated enough on guns to actually agree or disagree with this regulation. I still can comment that all gun regulations do is keep guns out of people's hands who actually register them. People make their own guns, and its not like we can search everybody's house for assault rifles? China the same day of the shooting in connecticut had 22 children at an elementary school stabbed to death by a psycho and he didnt use an assault rifle. He used a knife; we can't put a ban on anything that people use for weapons.We'll live in an insane aylum with white padded walls and no sharp objects. So, after all of my thoughts on this ban, I want others to understand that if we regulate guns then we need to look into regulation of all things sharp, that shoot and can create a problem. I do agree with Mr. Moats 5-point plan though, I'd sign for that.

Monday, December 17, 2012

BR 12-17-12

1.) http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-sandy-hook-school-shooting-20121215,0,5203637.story

2.) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/15/connecticut-shooting-victims_n_2308463.html

3.) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323723104578185280304627400.html

     On December 14th, 2012 a gunman forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School of Newton, CT and shot and killed 27 people and then himself. Twenty of those people were children who attended the elementary school, little innocent children. Over 100 shells were recovered at the scene and the coroner stated that each kid was shot no less than 7 times. Before leaving his house, he shot both his mother and father and left them dead. They have now stated that he was mentally unstable and had been diagnosed with a mental instability. This has been a time of heartache for all of America and our condolences go out to the families in CT. Our hearts hang heavy. God bless those effected by this tragic event.

Friday, December 14, 2012

School Shooting Synopsis

I think both shooters should be taken out back and shot in the back of the head. I also think this is too good of  punishment for them, honestly. If you can shoot a !CHILD! then you're a sick, twisted individual who shouldn't have the gift of life. Especially as a parent, if you can shoot a child! I don't understand people. There were 18 out of 27 kids who were shot that were between the ages of 5-10 in Connecticut. They need to learn capital punishment.


I don't think it should be legal to change your last name without adoption, death, marriage or divorce. The point in last names is to be able to track bloodline. Once people start paying for new last names, then we'll never be able to trace our ancestors back. This country is coming to a sea of idiots.

If I could change my last name, I wouldn't. I love "Dellagatta" and I'll be sad when or if I get married and have to part with it. This is my opinion. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

BR 12-13-12

I completely understand why you can be overweight and in the army. It can be hindering in the service, because it can cause a break in the army if they are sent off and you are unable to complete your duty. I think its your own duty to keep yourself in shape.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Something like that explosion should make people very weary. One night ask questions such as, how could this have been prevented? How will the company pay for the belongings lost in the explosion? And how "convenient" is it that NOBODY was home during this explosion and one guy went "rabbit hunting"?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BR 12-11-12

I think Obama needs to get his butt in gear along with the rest of congress because if we dont have a decided plan, our budget is just going to get worse. Our fiscal cliff needs to be decided. I am not really sure what a fiscal cliff is, but it sounds dangerous, yikes.

Monday, December 10, 2012


The boys parents need to pay attention to them, teach them some respect and show them what parenting feels like! It is ridiculous that these boys didnt have enough fear in their parents because I guarantee if I stole my parents' gun Id have some intense repercussions!


I cannot believe the ignorance of people! I watched this on the news a few days ago and I couldn't believe how rude the NY Post could be, because they printed it! The man could have easily helped the dying old man and all he did was snap pictures. Our world is ridiculous! People need morals, my goodness!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I believe this is the most off topic, pointless article I've ever read. I believe Bill Clinton should win and the president should be forced to read his speech. He needs some help, and Clinton was brilliant! Michelle Obama talks about very important issues in our new America, but I think we need to remember how to run a country, not necessarily feed it.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I think women need to stop complaining about "being equal". There are reasons they cannot have women in the infantry and the only reason a woman might even want to be in the infantry is ridiculous, because that's setting yourself up to get raped. I would write more if I had more time! This really makes me mad!

BR 12-4-12

I don't think they should be aloud to not defend themselves or take the floor on the debate, because you always should be prepared. Its ridiculous to be able to deny an argument. That's what politics are about. I don't really understand this article, but I can already tell you it's just something to put in for a story.

Monday, December 3, 2012

BR 12-3-12

We spend enough time in school!!! I think the more you push school, the more they're going to hate school. I believe their dropout rate will increase and the school will only cater to kids who are going to college. I think they need to set up school to be beneficial for people who are on the career path rather than college path.

BR 11-30-12

I wish it would be open to the public because I would really like to know how that ended up. The president would be able to offer a more humble view and Romney could express a higher, more educated view representing the working class and people who were more privileged.