Tuesday, December 18, 2012

BR 12-18-12

I am not educated enough on guns to actually agree or disagree with this regulation. I still can comment that all gun regulations do is keep guns out of people's hands who actually register them. People make their own guns, and its not like we can search everybody's house for assault rifles? China the same day of the shooting in connecticut had 22 children at an elementary school stabbed to death by a psycho and he didnt use an assault rifle. He used a knife; we can't put a ban on anything that people use for weapons.We'll live in an insane aylum with white padded walls and no sharp objects. So, after all of my thoughts on this ban, I want others to understand that if we regulate guns then we need to look into regulation of all things sharp, that shoot and can create a problem. I do agree with Mr. Moats 5-point plan though, I'd sign for that.

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