Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1-2-13

Congress and the House of Reps just recently voted on the fiscal cliff on Dec. 31st. 2012. The outcome of the passing of the bill was to extend unemployment benefits for "out-of-work" Americans and increase taxes on the wealthy or people who make above $400,000 a year and $450,000 for couples. This does not mean they are penalized for being wealthy, but the tax cuts from former president Bush were relieved. Prior to this bill, Americans who made over a certain amount were rewarded by cutting their taxes, because their input to the economy was much more than others.In interviews with the GOP representatives, they felt pressured and did not want to be the blame for going over the deadline or fiscal cliff. It seemed through interviews that it had been a forced vote by the republicans. Obama and Biden both stated that they feel it is a good start to a whole new plan to fix our economy and decrease our debt, but many others disagree.

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