Thursday, January 31, 2013


I wish everyone would shut up about gun control. GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE! People kill people!!!!! Detroit has the strictest gun control laws and they have one of the highest murder rates. People need to take that into consideration when they decide to make more gun control laws. West Virginia is one of the lowest crime rate states in rural areas and we pretty much all own guns.

BR 1-30-13

I think its ridiculous that people keep pushing college degrees because some people are just paying more money to make the same amount as if they just had a high school degree. I know several people that have gotten a degree only to get paid more at a job that doesnt even require a high school degree. If people keep pushing college degrees theyre becoming as necessary as a high school degree.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I think an assault weapons ban would be stupid because we have already had one and it did not prevent any school shootings. Just a few years after, the two kids in Columbine shot up the school and would have been much more successful if the bombs had gone off. I am almost positive they did not have assault weapons and  they still attempted to shoot up a school and killed several kids. I hope congress will not renew the AWB because it proved ineffective.

BR 1-29-13

I think it is rude to discriminate against anybody especially when it comes to jobs and recreational activities, but I understand their apprehension against having homosexuals. It makes it more likely for molestation to happen when they openly allow men who they know are attracted to other men. Just because they like men, though does not mean they like children. Also, I'm sure there have been many men that have chaperoned a boyscout trip that have LIED about being gay and molested the children without the scouts having any type of reluctancy to hire him.

BR 1-16-13

Honestly, I could care less about whether or not he uses the official license plate of Washington, DC. We need to focus more on what he's doing in the office rather than the tags he puts on his vehicle that the president does not see while siting in the limousine. I understand it represents dedication to the people of DC, but it honestly has nothing to do with how he runs a country!

BR 1-15-13

Many states have added restrictions to gun control due to the havoc the Sandy Hook shooting caused. There will always be gun restrictions, but how far will they go? Each year they add taxes and restrict one more thing we can have and how far are we going to let this go? Many states are trying to calm the citizens down and just keep their people safe rather going as far as more restrictions.

Monday, January 28, 2013

BR 1-28-13

I think Hilary Clinton is a brilliant woman. There's absolutely no reason that she could not run this country, because she is extremely competent and does her work well, but it is really hard for a woman to run a country when a lot of our surrounding nations that we have to do business with do not support women in office. Other countries would lose respect for us and it would be hard to communicate. This is the ONLY reason I believe Hilary Clinton would be a bad choice as candidate; that, and she is really emotional. When she gets a little tougher and learns to take criticism, and can take control with other countries, then I will vote for her.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Presidential Inauguration

On January 21st, 2013 President Barack Obama was sworn into office for his second term of presidency. This day also happened to fall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day which many people thought ironic. It has never fallen on Martin Luther King Jr. Day before because it has only been celebrated since 1986 and inauguration only happens every four years. There was estimated to be up to 1 million people who attended the presidential inauguration yesterday. This number is projected as 900,000 less people than his swearing in of the first term. Obama was the first president to use the word "gay" in his inauguration speech. This past inauguration was the 57th one since 1901 when they started doing them. Mrs. Michelle Obama stunned the crowd once again with her very pricey, elegant Jason Wu  red dress for the inaugural ball.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

BR 1-3-13

I can't even think what would go through my mind if someone actually STOLE MY HOUSE. That's ridiculous! Why would someone rob someone's trailer. It's amazing that someone would think they could get away with it. I didn't understand the last part about CNN.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

BR 1-2-13

Congress and the House of Reps just recently voted on the fiscal cliff on Dec. 31st. 2012. The outcome of the passing of the bill was to extend unemployment benefits for "out-of-work" Americans and increase taxes on the wealthy or people who make above $400,000 a year and $450,000 for couples. This does not mean they are penalized for being wealthy, but the tax cuts from former president Bush were relieved. Prior to this bill, Americans who made over a certain amount were rewarded by cutting their taxes, because their input to the economy was much more than others.In interviews with the GOP representatives, they felt pressured and did not want to be the blame for going over the deadline or fiscal cliff. It seemed through interviews that it had been a forced vote by the republicans. Obama and Biden both stated that they feel it is a good start to a whole new plan to fix our economy and decrease our debt, but many others disagree.