Thursday, February 28, 2013

BR 2-28-13 ALL of them.

1.) Kids Suspended Over Suggestive Harlem Shake Video:

I hate the harlem shake, because it's not really a dance, however, for students to get suspended for THAT long, because it looked "suggestive" is a matter of opinion. We've had a disruptive planned flash mob in our lunch room and they didn't get suspended? The first time I even heard of the Harlem Shake was when my nephew accidentally clicked on it on my phone.

2.) 1 in 3 Teens have Admitted to 'Sexting'

Explicit photo is matter of opinion, because for some people explicit means a bathing suit and for others is a full out show of the downstairs. I don't think that teenagers take into consideration that odds are, their relationship is not going to last. When a relationship ends, you cannot count on the other person to remain loyal to you by respecting you and deleting those photos, especially if the relationship ends badly. They need Jesus.

3.) Guns Shooting and Friendships in a WV Town

WV is a very gun-friendly place, so of course it is part of relationship building in small towns. There are many skeet shooting areas and gun ranges, and its part of our culture here in rural WV.

4.) Deaths Surge Among Youngest Drivers

 I believe it is important for teenagers to get more driving experience before they drive on the highways and other busy streets. Everybody thinks they're the best driver in the world and jump into the car and they don't know how to be a defensive driver or handle situations that get tricky. That's why it is the dumbest idea in the world to take out driver's ed, because it is the one class I would use everyday in life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

People Who Made a Difference

Martin Luther King Jr.: Made "I have a dream speech" on August 28th, 1963 and was a civil rights activist for blacks. He was assassinated in Dallas, TX.

Harvey Milk: Gay rights activist. First Gay city commisioner in the US. played football in high school? Passed non-discriminatory laws. Assassinated in 1978.

Dorothy Hodgkins: Used crystallography to find structure of penacillin. Born in Eygpt, but parents were English. Studied at summerville college in Oxford. University of Cambridge; where she worked with crystallography. Discovered different proteins and received nobel prize in Chem, the Cochlee prize and many others. Nicknamed crowfoot because it was her maiden name.

Albert Einstein: dropped out of hish school and gained admission to a polyotechnic institute. Created the e=mc2 formula for theory of relativity. Energy gravity light ad time. awarded nobel prize in physics. Us in 1933 to NJ. development of electrical advancements.

Wisnton Churchill: prime minister for two years. Lead britain as Prime Minsters.

Harriet Tubman: slave since young child, 1849 escaped slavery and went to Philly and then returned to free family and other slaves. Cook in the army lead armed people into war. Nelson Davis became her adoptive daughters father. Slave in MD.

Florence Nightingale: Florence , Italy 1820. Youngest of two chidren. Active in philanthropy. Vaered to the poor and by the age of 16, she knew she wanted to be a nurse. Created Red Cross. Queen Elizabeth named a broach after her and gave her lots of money and created nightingale training school for nurses.

Jane Goodall: Born april 3rd 1934 london. Went to tanzania to study chimps. Never had a pet until age of 47- cat. awarded 47 different awards for her research with chimps. studied island of Lake Victoria.

Bill Gates: first computer program at age 13. dropped out of college to follow dreams with Microsoft. created windows that everybody but apple uses. $250 a second. 7 million dollars a day till he was 90 and not run out of money. Married to Melinda. He made a difference because he created the most poular software that has now developed into what we use today.

BR 2-26-13

I heard about this on the radio and I know people who do this. Many people have sent me text as they were falling asleep and they were complete nonsense. Its just like trying to talk when youre tired. I am more a victim of falling asleep before the text is sent. It is a lot harder to send a text on my phone, because its all touch screen.

BR 2-25-13

I think we need to hang tight to our gun laws, because the more we let them come into our lives, the less freedom we have. Soon we're going to have to ask permission to use the bathroom. I don't think we can actually have all our guns taken away but we can make it so difficult to get one that our country is going to give up on them.

Friday, February 22, 2013

BR 2-22-13

1.) I think its important to keep the fuel sustainable and if that requires less ethanol, then it needs to happen. That was the most boring and uninformative article I have ever read and hope we never get one on ethanol fuel again. Thank you.

2.) Of course West Virginia is a depressing state! Everybody acts like they're going to die at 28 years old. Nobody understands that in 50 years a lot can happen. On another note, there's nothing to do; and people discourage any type of fun for teenagers. The fact that over 50 percent of these people own guns is even scarier.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

BR 2-21-13

I think as a parent, you shouldn't care what color the caretaker of your baby is. All you should be worrying about is whether or not the baby gets the proper treatment. This man should know what he did was wrong and unlawful; this is an ignorant request and ridiculous. It outrages me greatly and I think the man should be sued for discrimination and hindering the ability for a nurse to properly do her job. Can you imagine if the baby was in need of immediate attention and the black nurse had to walk away, because she read the sign? that man should be ashamed of himself.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

BR 2-20-13

I believe they should renew it, because it keeps that safety net for the southern states even though it is extremely unlikely for it to happen again. I think it would be a riot if they took the safety net away, because many people still feel the pain of their ancestors and mothers and grandparents. If we took that away, people would become frightened and trust their legislators less.

BR 2-19-13

I don't believe we should all be required to serve, because I believe it is something that requires more than two years and I think the benefits should be reserved for those who go into it for a lifetime of active duty. Some people are not physically capable of serving active duty and others have children who they may need to raise in their delicate stages. Yes, I believe we should all serve our country in some way but I do not believe we should be forced to serve for two years straight or any length of specific time. I do think, however I believe all people receiving federal benefits should have to work in a federal building in some way. This is my opinion.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

BR 2-14-13 Happy V-day!

I don't think our birth rate has gone down, because of less people getting pregnant necessarilly, but it went down due to an increase in abortions and loss of the baby. Also, the 70's was when oral contraceptives were introduced. This is great considering the immigration into this country and the increase in population size. This is not an excuse to go out and have a kid, though. Even though we need to bridge the gap, we need people who can raise a child properly and monetarily.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BR 2-13-13

I don't really understand the point in this bell ringer, but I will comment that Obama spoke very well and he mentioned many of his previously stated points like energy, gun control and helping our allied nations. He is a very intelligent person, but I heard many points about Rubio's response that were more valid than Obama's.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

BR 2-12-13

I think North Korea needs to be careful with nuclear testing, because it effects all of the surrounding areas. If any nuclear fluid leaks that means cancer for us all, or at least them. They need to obide by the rules like all the rest of us, because when its not approved and they go ahead and do it anyway, then they need to be shut down.

Monday, February 11, 2013

BR 2-11-13

I think Obama needs to worry about the fact that my parents only get 60 percent of their paycheck and it makes more sense to stay home than it does to go to work. When you overly tax the rich, it sends companies out of the country, therefore decreasing jobs. Maybe he should look at the actual results instead of the overly liberal side of things for once, like the fact that peoples job hours are being cut and families are going in debt.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

BR 2-7-13

I think people need to understand that in both DC and Chicago, they have the tightest gun control laws in the country and they both also have the highest gun violence in the nation. Before people start spewing out facts about less gun, less crime, I think the congress needs to take a look at the real facts and not just base their votes on the tragedy at Sandy Hook. I wish people would understand that if we outlaw assault weapons then only outlaws will have assault weapons and innocent folks are left to defend themselves with a 3 shot handgun.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

BR 2-6-13

I hate how they shove technology down our throats and they say it allows us to learn everywhere we are, but  in reality it only allows students who have access to the internet or computers at home. I am one of those students that don't have internet and it angers me because it makes it hard when teachers assign internet work or research work when I don't have the resources or the books. I think its great to take advantage of technology but when that's your only resource its a pain in the behind.