Thursday, February 28, 2013

BR 2-28-13 ALL of them.

1.) Kids Suspended Over Suggestive Harlem Shake Video:

I hate the harlem shake, because it's not really a dance, however, for students to get suspended for THAT long, because it looked "suggestive" is a matter of opinion. We've had a disruptive planned flash mob in our lunch room and they didn't get suspended? The first time I even heard of the Harlem Shake was when my nephew accidentally clicked on it on my phone.

2.) 1 in 3 Teens have Admitted to 'Sexting'

Explicit photo is matter of opinion, because for some people explicit means a bathing suit and for others is a full out show of the downstairs. I don't think that teenagers take into consideration that odds are, their relationship is not going to last. When a relationship ends, you cannot count on the other person to remain loyal to you by respecting you and deleting those photos, especially if the relationship ends badly. They need Jesus.

3.) Guns Shooting and Friendships in a WV Town

WV is a very gun-friendly place, so of course it is part of relationship building in small towns. There are many skeet shooting areas and gun ranges, and its part of our culture here in rural WV.

4.) Deaths Surge Among Youngest Drivers

 I believe it is important for teenagers to get more driving experience before they drive on the highways and other busy streets. Everybody thinks they're the best driver in the world and jump into the car and they don't know how to be a defensive driver or handle situations that get tricky. That's why it is the dumbest idea in the world to take out driver's ed, because it is the one class I would use everyday in life.

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