Wednesday, October 24, 2012

BR 10-24-12

I think its wrong to raise money for something he doesn't need any money for, however, I understand he wants to raise awareness about the closeness of this race. It's a very tight win if he does. I'm rooting for Obama in this race and I hope he does well.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

BR 10-23-12

I think it's extremely important to keep security in the U.S. with I.D. cards, but I hope they don't expect us to pay for this update in their systems and other peoples ID cards. We need a safer more effective way to handle our ID cards and keep from false production of them. Everyone over 18 should have an ID card and be required to carry it.

Monday, October 22, 2012

BR 10-22-12

I think the law they are trying to pass is ridiculous. People will make their own decisions and I think if a hotel wants to encourage players to spend more with "free" rooms and other incentives then it is their choice. The people have the choice to say no and it brings business and recreation into the city. If  a busload of old people want to spend their money gambling, so-be-it! Stop butting into everybody's business; America is so nosy.

Friday, October 19, 2012

BR 10-19-12

He spoke about libya and a bunch of other issues in the country and said it was his job to fix it? I don't understand the point in this short video, but I wish I could've watched him the whole time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BR 10-18-12

We've learned several things about each candidate in the past few months. In each debate we caught both candidates contradicting themselves, mostly Romney. The debate the other day was extremely intense, but Obama came out on top. He conquered by telling america exactly what Romney's plans were for our country and caught Romney in a trap. They discussed energy very much and also spoke about other issues.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BR 10-16-12

1. I think electoral college is an unfair way to judge the election, because that is like saying one state is more important than the other. We're supposed to be an equal and fair country, right? Romney and Obama will be a very close call, but honestly I think we should all vote Gary Johnson. :)

2. I don't believe it is that a blue-collar candidate is not realistic, but it's more so the fact that most (manual labor) working class are more focused on family rather than moving and spending months with others who pretend to care for them. America votes white-collar because we THINK they represent us well as a country, but in all honesty, we should really try to get a true blue-collar worker to represent the US and our American Dream.

BR 10-15-12 (absent)

I think "No Child Left Behind" was an ignorant and single-minded way to judge education in schools. Now, instead of focusing on education that I'll actually remember, it focuses on short-term knowledge that is only used to take the standardized test. Last year my lowest scores were in English and 21st Century and both of those classes I learned the most in.

Friday, October 12, 2012

BR 10-12-12

Biden was unprofessional, however he touched on and covered many more points than paul ryan ond obama in last weeks debate. I thought his speach was well thought out, but Ryan played a more professional approach.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

BR 10-11-12

We should not continue with affirmative action, because I feel that every student has a choice for higher education and learning. There is no difference between black and white or any color for that matter. The racial era has been over for long enough that I feel we've made up for our wrong doings in the past; The colleges should not choose students based on racial or ethnic backgrounds nor should that even be considered. The whole "diversity" slots should not have to be filled; I believe that a college will filter through as many whites and blacks as they feel they have intellectually achieved.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

BR 10-10-12

I don't understand why they are making such a big deal about these ads. It's ridiculous that they spend more time talking about Big Bird than actual issues in the US. This is dumb and a waste of my time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

BR 10-9-12

I think there are certain jobs you need to maintain a level of maturity, class, and profession such as teachers and other office and faith-based type jobs. I also think there needs to be a level of privacy of what employees post on internet social networks. There needs to be a clear set of rules for each job and if the person does not clean and edit their social network appropriately then they can be fired. I would not want someone working at World Vision who claims to be "christian" cussing and discussing her own sins in everyday life. It does invade privacy a bit, but companies need to maintain their standards.

Monday, October 8, 2012

BR 10-8-12

I think this is cool for people to be able to get the opportunity, but I think it's pretty silly. I mean, if I'm reading it right then that means JetBlue will be spending hundreds and thousands of dollars to send "losers" overseas. While I think this is a silly idea, I also believe I would be first in line to sign up. I don't know what more you want from this article, but it seems pretty cool.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

BR 10-4-12

The presidential debate didn't cover many subjects, because Romney and Obama both rambled on about the subjects. Mostly, it covered education, healthcare, social security, taxes, federal regulation and energy. After the debate was over, a guy (whose name has slipped my memory) went over the facts that Obama and Romney spat out at the debate. If their mouth was open, they were lying. They stated untrue facts and false opinions. Obama supported money for greener energy and Romney supported continuing coal spending instead of adding more to the deficit. Romney disagreed with Obamacare and having one healthcare company but he decided to make more of a voucher system. Obama disagreed with this because he believed it would leave senior citizens to the wolves while fighting for healthcare to accept them. Obama wants to have a solid taz for citizens and Romney is okay with variation among classes, and although he talks about how hes trying to save middle class, he really is going to just take the money and give it to the people above us on the economical scale.

I thought this was a slow debate and I didn't enjoy it as much as the intraparty debates. Romney made it seem like he won, because he spoke clearly and quickly, but honestly, he spoke of no plan.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

BR 10-3-12

1. It says my name is stereotyped as a Democrat, but I am completely independent party.

2. I think it was fixed for that voter id law to pass just 5 weeks before election. I don't understand why people are so mad about voter ID because all you have to do is go to the DMV and get your drivers license, but I completely understand why they would be mad about it just 5 weeks before election. It is not so easy for some people to obtain their birth records. I was lucky enough to have a mom that keeps track of everything for me.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

BR 10-2-12

This is ridiculous that a president has the opportunity to appoint people in the Supreme Court. Romney is so up his religion's butt, that he doesnt take into account that other people have rights and you need to be fair even if you don't agree with it. We need representatives that are in the middle and do not lean towards one specific party, because they are usually stamps for the same party.

BR 10-1-12

I find it hard to believe that they are so crazy about any liquid over 3 oz., but have let people with loaded guns pass through security. They seriously need to re-evaluate their security system. Guns are waaayy more dangerous than hand sanitizer. I'm honestly a little worried about flyign now, and I LOVE to fly and travel. God forbid they allowed this on a flight to another country!

Monday, October 1, 2012

BR 9-28-12


  1. You can get your concealed weapons license online
  2. Many students aren't trained properly to use a gun
  3. It causes uneasiness on campus knowing that anyone at anytime may have a gun
  4. A college which has drugs, alcohol and wild kids should not also have the ability to carry guns
  5.  If police -who are trained for this stuff- can injure 9 innocent bystanders then a student who has no training should not be allowed to carry a gun even if it may "save someones life" from a crazy columbine
  6. It makes it harder to identify if there may be a possible shooting in a building if all students carry guns
  7. People often shoot in fear before thinking causing avoidable tradgedy (Trayvon Martin)
  8. You may not know how frightful a student is of guns and may cause them to be distracted in the classroom knowing their peer could pull a weapon on them at anytime
  9. Students may become enraged and pull fire on anyone at any moment if we do not know their mental stability
  10. Having guns makes it easier and more likely to raise crime rates; such as rapes and mugging in campus nightlife


  1. It allows student to protect themselves against those who can and WILL use weapons on campus (even if requested not to)
  2. Campuses do not check you as you come into and leave campus, so expecting a lunatic or deranged person to abide by the "no gun" rule is ridiculous.
  3. It could have in many cases saved lives such as in Virginia Tech and other shootings
  4. Licensing requires background checks and other filters to getting a gun license that prevent criminals to carry a gun
  5. Crime has fallen with the rise of weapon carrying, because people are more aware that if they commit a serious crime, there will be vigilante reprocussions.