Thursday, October 4, 2012

BR 10-4-12

The presidential debate didn't cover many subjects, because Romney and Obama both rambled on about the subjects. Mostly, it covered education, healthcare, social security, taxes, federal regulation and energy. After the debate was over, a guy (whose name has slipped my memory) went over the facts that Obama and Romney spat out at the debate. If their mouth was open, they were lying. They stated untrue facts and false opinions. Obama supported money for greener energy and Romney supported continuing coal spending instead of adding more to the deficit. Romney disagreed with Obamacare and having one healthcare company but he decided to make more of a voucher system. Obama disagreed with this because he believed it would leave senior citizens to the wolves while fighting for healthcare to accept them. Obama wants to have a solid taz for citizens and Romney is okay with variation among classes, and although he talks about how hes trying to save middle class, he really is going to just take the money and give it to the people above us on the economical scale.

I thought this was a slow debate and I didn't enjoy it as much as the intraparty debates. Romney made it seem like he won, because he spoke clearly and quickly, but honestly, he spoke of no plan.

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