Monday, October 1, 2012

BR 9-28-12


  1. You can get your concealed weapons license online
  2. Many students aren't trained properly to use a gun
  3. It causes uneasiness on campus knowing that anyone at anytime may have a gun
  4. A college which has drugs, alcohol and wild kids should not also have the ability to carry guns
  5.  If police -who are trained for this stuff- can injure 9 innocent bystanders then a student who has no training should not be allowed to carry a gun even if it may "save someones life" from a crazy columbine
  6. It makes it harder to identify if there may be a possible shooting in a building if all students carry guns
  7. People often shoot in fear before thinking causing avoidable tradgedy (Trayvon Martin)
  8. You may not know how frightful a student is of guns and may cause them to be distracted in the classroom knowing their peer could pull a weapon on them at anytime
  9. Students may become enraged and pull fire on anyone at any moment if we do not know their mental stability
  10. Having guns makes it easier and more likely to raise crime rates; such as rapes and mugging in campus nightlife


  1. It allows student to protect themselves against those who can and WILL use weapons on campus (even if requested not to)
  2. Campuses do not check you as you come into and leave campus, so expecting a lunatic or deranged person to abide by the "no gun" rule is ridiculous.
  3. It could have in many cases saved lives such as in Virginia Tech and other shootings
  4. Licensing requires background checks and other filters to getting a gun license that prevent criminals to carry a gun
  5. Crime has fallen with the rise of weapon carrying, because people are more aware that if they commit a serious crime, there will be vigilante reprocussions.

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