Friday, September 28, 2012

Social Awareness

                                                                                                                                            Sept. 28, 2012

Dear CNN,

I feel like abortion has been a rising issue in America throughout the years. This is not between a mother and her doctor anymore, but between the whole nation and religions. I realize that with each abortion a life is lost, but I don't think the pro-life activists realize what would happen if we had born all those babies.

The country needs to realize that it is not stable enough to feed, clothe, or give healthcare to all those babies. If we would bore all the children we must realize how many of those children would be mentally retarded, inbred, and orphaned. I 100% agree that if you are not mature enough to take care of a baby, then you should not be having sex, but imagine those children's lives.

Mothers would be in poverty with a family of grumbling tummies. We cannot expect a handout from each person with a pocket of cash. Some mothers believe they are doing the right thing by protecting their child from an awful life. In rape cases, do you feel that a wife should be forced to raise and birth a child and man should be forced to raise another mans baby? As a decent person, he probably would not object, but inside that must kill him.

If a child is ten years old and raped by her father, should she be forced to have a baby as a baby that could in the end kill her? Should she be forced to give up her life for something that was not in her control? Pro-life activists should recognize that each life is important that means even the ones that are born and have mental issues when the mother knew that the child would suffer its whole life with spina bifida.

Many children are born with diseases every day, but what if you had AIDS? Would you still have a child and force it to be scorned and ridiculed its whole life for your own mistake or problem? No. I believe its selfish to force a child to live out its life with a crackhead mother, or on the street begging for food, or in an orphanage waiting to have a better life, because his mother chose "life". What kind of "life" does the kid really have? I'd like to see someone tell me that they would rather be alive with a hindering disease that slowly eats at them, than be laid to rest peacefully.

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