Thursday, September 13, 2012

9-11 Essay

After the terrible tragedy that happened eleven years ago, our country has never been the same. On September 11, 2001 our country was attacked by Al Queda terrorists causing the twin towers and the world trade center to completely collapse and burn up in flames. This was not only an attack of our buildings and people, but an attack to our American pride. Not only did it kill many people, it tore families apart and left gaping holes in our heavy hearts.

America soon went under extreme surveilance and caused national security to sky rocket. Our airports now are equipped properly to detect any weapon that someone may try to bring aboard the plane. We do background checks for passports and many other searches to ensure America's safety. Instead of taking one hour to board a plane, it now takes almost two to just get through the line. They've enstilled fear in every American traveler since that awful day.
Next, it caused extreme racism in America. Nobody can deny it. When you see a man or woman in a turban, you automatically judge them. It's probably not even on purpose, but seeing a terrorist attack on our country made us believe that all Muslims hate Christians, and guess what religion is prominant in America. What would you think if you saw a man in a turban riding on the same plane as you?

The families that were effected are still struggling today with the loss of husbands, sons, daughters, mothers, and even children. To them, every year they are reminded and choose to never forget what happened to our country that Sept. 11, 2001. People lost their jobs, lives, loved ones, and the feeling of safety in their own country. America was knocked down a few notches; like a hit to our ego and our president. Our whole country gathered, cried, mourned, and reflected what had happened on the news.

With all that tragedy, there came good. America reunited! We had forgotten that even in our own cultures and differences, we are still one strong, united country. Iraq was reminded that we will not bow, and they cannot take our safety. America would fight as one, and join together to finish the war that they began.

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