Thursday, September 20, 2012

Assignent 9-19-12

1. The First Amendment includes:
      No law can be passed respecting an establishment of religion
     Free excercise of Religion
     Freedom of Speech
     Right to Peaceful Petition
     Freedom of Press

2. It is hard to say exactly how much privacy we have with technology in the 21st century, because everything we search, everybody we contact and everywhere we go is recorded, whether we know it or not. Between siri and GPS, if I share information with somebody on my smart phone, they can find me at anytime. Even the developers of "smart phones" say that everyhting we do on our phones is recorded and put into a system to "better our experience." The phone gets to know you; The internet controls you, and the government closely watches you. We barely have freedom in our own home.

3. The Patriot Act is a law stating that the government can, without your permission, listen in on phone calls, read texts, emails, and messages sent to others. It states that it would be used for tracking of illegal exchanges such as murders or drug deals. It is the government being able to listen in on private conversation, but states that they must stop listening after 60 seconds, because that would be an invasion of personal rights.

4. I believe this is extreme violation of our privacy rights, because the government should not be allowed to read every text or listen on every phone call. This could be embarassing and quite cruel. They're barging more into our homes every day, and we just sit back and allow it because they tell us "it's the law." I think America needs to re-evaluate and re-teach our rights to our students.

5.  There was one case I found that a woman was "protecting her rights" when she wanted to get an abortion. It was between her and her doctor. I dont think this is really an invasion of privacy because thats also like saying you can beat your child, because it is in your household? I think she was just being ridiculous.


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