Friday, September 21, 2012

  1. Answer the following question: Why is there a constitution day and what mandated it?
There is a constitution day to celebrate our rights as citizens and the day that it was ratified.

  1. Could you pass the US citizenship test....find five links on the Internet and take the quizzes and post the links and your scores.
3. Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics
You and your teammates have been given a set of clues to identify nine delegates to theConstitutional Convention that was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the summer of 1787. In order to complete your task you need the clues provided by your teacher and podcasts from the Center for Civic Education. The podcasts are available at

Step 1: Your teacher has assigned you a certain number of podcasts. In listening to them you should be able to determine which nine delegates your clues indicate. As soon as you think you have identified the delegates, check with your teacher to determine if you are correct. If you are, then move on to the next part of the assignment. If you are not, continue listening until you found the correct delegates.

Step 2:
Review the nine correct podcasts and complete the information required in the box adjoining each clue. You must also choose two additional facts about your delegate.
Step 3: Sharing your information. Your teacher will direct your group on how to share the information you have gathered about your delegates with the class.
Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt with 60-Second Civics

Teacher Resource 3: Clue Sheet
Reproduce the chart below in word and complete it. Then separate the clues and randomly group them into sets of nine. Distribute one set to each group.

  1. Clue: He refused to sign the Constitution.
Name: George Mason
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: Dec.11, 1775
Two Additional Clues: He worked with George Washington, and led to the creation of the Bill Of Rights.

  1. Clue: This delegate was the head of the Virginia delegation to the convention.
Name: George Washington
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: March 16, 1751
Two Additional Clues: Co-wrote federalist papers and guided Bill of Rights.

  1. Clue: He practiced in law in Williamsburg.
Name: John Blair
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: 1732
Two Additional Clues: One of the judges at Supreme Court in Virginia and was nominated by Washington

  1. Clue: He studied medicine in Scotland.
Name: Benjamin Rush
State: Pennsylvania
Age/Year of Birth: Dec. 24, 1745
Two Additional Clues: Rush was appointed to the Provincial Conference, and then to the Continental Congress a month later

  1. Clue: This Framer emancipated his slaves in his will.
Name: George Washington
State: Virginia
Age/Year of Birth: March 16, 1761
Two Additional Clues: Did not originally want to go to the convention. Guided Bill of Rights

  1. Clue: He was responsible for the Judiciary Act of 1789.
Name: John Adams
State: Massachusettes
Age/Year of Birth: Oct 30, 1735
Two Additional Clues: Was puritan and agreed with Patriot Cause

  1. Clue: He was the chairman of the Committee on Style.
Name: Rufus King
State: Massachusettes
Age/Year of Birth: March 24th, 1755
Two Additional Clues: attended mass. ratification; his occupation was public security interests

  1. Clue: He served on the committees that draft both the Declaration of Independence and the Article of Confederation.
Name: Benjamin Franklin
State: Massachusettes
Age/Year of Birth: Jan 17, 1706
Two Additional Clues: Was the postmaster general of the US; Was on the first US postage stamp (now 100 dollar bill)

  1. Clue: He studied law in Philadelphia.
Name: George Reed
State: Pennsylvania
Age/Year of Birth: Sept. 18, 1733
Two Additional Clues: Signed the declararion of independence; served as US senator of delaware

  1. Clue: He was a roommate of James Madison at the College of New Jersey.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

  1. Clue: He served as the first postmaster general of Wilmington.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

  1. Clue: He voted against independence and did sign the Declaration of Independence.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

  1. Clue: He voted against the independence, but signed the Declaration of Independence.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

  1. Clue: He was born in Connecticut.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

  1. Clue: During the Revolution he served as a lieutenant colonel in the dragoons.
Age/Year of Birth:
Two Additional Clues:

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